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High Temperature Masking Tape (100℃-120℃)
bulk high temperature masking tape
bulk high temperature masking tape

High Temperature Masking Tape (100℃-120℃)

Feature: Crepe paper as backing, coated with natural rubber adhesive. Easy tear and no residue. High temperature resistance. 

Application: Widely used for indoor and outdoor decoration, automotive painting, bundling, and packing.

Specification of High Temperature Masking Tape(100℃-120℃)

ProductMax.Temperature resistance for 1 hour.BackingAdhesiveTotal ThicknessInitial TackPeel AdhesionTensile strengthElongation(%)

MAA7114100-120℃ 212-248℉Crepe paperNatural Rubber140≥8≥5≥656%
MAA7115100-120℃ 212-248℉Crepe paperSolvent Acrylic150≥8≥5≥656%
MAA7116100-120℃ 212-248℉Crepe paperNatural Rubber160≥8≥5≥656%

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NO. 15 Kanggong Road, Zhujiajiao Industrial Zone, Qingpu District, Shanghai, China
Shanghai Yongguan Adhesive Products Corp., Ltd.
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