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Cellophane Tape
cellophane adhesive tape
cellophane adhesive tape

Cellophane Tape

Our Cellophane Tape range  contains a variety of colors and styles to choose from. Whether you're looking for clear cellophane tape, a transparent option, or a yellow, red, brown or black cellophane tape, we've got it all. Our tapes are perfect for a variety of uses, from wrapping gifts to sealing envelopes, making crafts and more. Our cellophane tapes are of the highest quality and will ensure your packages and envelopes stay securely sealed. We guarantee that you won't be disappointed with our range of cellophane tapes.

Specification of Cellophane Tape

ProductAdhesiveTotal ThicknessInitial TackTensile StrengthElongation % at break

BG50Natural Rubber0.05≥2.2≥2020%

How to Make Use of Cellophane Tape?

  • Cellophane Tape is an essential tool that can be used to seal packages, hang decorations, and repair items.

  • To get the most out of cellophane tape, use a sharp pair of scissors to cut the tape to the desired length.

  • Clean the area where the tape will be applied to ensure that it adheres properly.

  • For a more secure seal, use two strips of cellophane tape to overlap the edges of the package or item.

Advantages of Cellophane Tape

  • Cellophane Tape is cost-effective and easy to use. It is ideal for sealing packages, wrapping gifts, and repairing small tears in paper.

  • Cellophane Tape is strong and durable and can be used for a variety of projects.

  • Cellophane Tape is available in a variety of colors and sizes, making it easy to find the perfect tape for any project.

  • It is also non-toxic and environmentally friendly, making it a safe choice for use around children and pets.

Any Qustions? Contact us!
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NO. 15 Kanggong Road, Zhujiajiao Industrial Zone, Qingpu District, Shanghai, China
Shanghai Yongguan Adhesive Products Corp., Ltd.
YG TAPE, a Professional and Reliable Supplier
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NO. 15 Kanggong Road, Zhujiajiao Industrial Zone, Qingpu District, Shanghai, China
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YG TAPE, a Professional and Reliable Supplier
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