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How to Select Cloth Duct Tape?

Characteristics of Adhesive Cloth Tape

Duct tape is based on a kind of easily torn cloth, which is coated with PE polyethylene film on the surface without glue, and then evenly coated with hot sol water or rubber glue on the inner layer, thus forming a high-viscosity roll adhesive tape.

Duct tape has the following characteristics: easy to tear, no residual glue, good adhesion, waterproof and so on.

Colors of duct tape: red, white, light blue, green, khaki and black.

Duct tape made by adhesive cloth tape manufacturer can be divided into single-sided and double-sided cloth-based tapes according to the number of coated surfaces, while double-sided cloth-based tapes are coated with glue on both sides. The main difference between single-sided and double-sided duct tape is that one side of the single-sided duct tape has glue and the other side has no glue, while the base material of the double-sided cloth-based tape has glue on both sides, and the outer surface is separated by release paper.

How to identify the quality of duct tape?

1. Touch your hand on the duct tape with glue, and then stick your hand on the plane of duct tape to move. If your hand feels the adhesive resistance of your adhesive tape, and the adhesive resistance is quite large, it means that the initial viscosity of the duct tape is quite good. Under normal circumstances, if duct tape's viscosity is not good, it won't stick. Then this kind of duct tape is not what we want to buy.

2. Check the side without glue, whether the surface lines are clearly arranged in an orderly and dense way, and the duct tape thickness is relatively thick. If it is such a duct tape, it shows that the tensile strength of the duct tape is relatively large, and it can withstand the tensile force of important articles. If the lines are rare, then the pulling force of this duct tape bearing heavy goods is not so great.

3. Tear duct tape by hand. If duct tape is easily torn off, then the base material of duct tape is good, because duct tape itself is to be used well and has strong operability. On the contrary, if the base material of duct tape is not good and it is not easy to tear off, then duct tape will not be easy to operate.

NO. 15 Kanggong Road, Zhujiajiao Industrial Zone, Qingpu District, Shanghai, China
Shanghai Yongguan Adhesive Products Corp., Ltd.
YG TAPE, a Professional and Reliable Supplier
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NO. 15 Kanggong Road, Zhujiajiao Industrial Zone, Qingpu District, Shanghai, China
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